








由Wachtell, Lipton, Rosen & Katz (“Wachtell”)主编、Global Legal Group(“GLG”)出版的第十五版《国际比较法律指南-公司治理2022》(The International Comparative Legal Guides-Corporate Governance   2022,以下简称“公司治理指南”)于2022年9月出版。本书中国章节是自2018年起以来由天元合伙人石磊律师第五次主笔。
Wachtell是总部设在华尔街、Vault 100律师事务所声誉排名多年领先的律师事务所。GLG是一家总部设在英国伦敦的全球领先法律媒体,面向全球公司高管、法务人员、律所和政府机构提供深度法律分析和行业解决方案。公司治理指南涵盖了全球20多个司法管辖区在公司治理相关法律法规中出现的共同问题,包括透明度、信息披露和公司社会责任等。公司治理指南邀请了各个国家(地区)公司法领域领先的律师分享了他们对其所在的国家(地区)的公司治理相关法律环境现状和发展的看法。
天元的资本市场和公司法律服务团队跻身中国从业历史最久、承办项目数量最多、业务类型最全面的团队,天元连年被各大权威国际律所排名机构评为中国和亚洲地区资本市场、并购、投资等公司法律事务领域的顶级律所。石磊律师是公司、资本市场、投资并购领域法律服务市场的代表性新秀,从业十余年来,石律师已在执业领域建立了良好的声誉,赢得了市场的认可。基于其突出表现,2016年石磊律师被知名法律服务市场研究机构LEGALBAND评选为“30 Under 30”中国法律行业俊杰,2018年国际知名法律服务业媒体Legal 500杂志提名石磊律师为“资本市场领域”特别推荐律师,2018年石磊律师被LEGALBAND推选为新经济领域十强(Top 10)律师,2019年石磊律师被评选为LEGALBAND金融科技领域十强(Top 10)律师,2020及2021年连续两年石磊律师均忝列LEGALBAND公布的中国顶级律师排行榜中资本市场领域“后起之秀”,2022年入选2022年度DAWKINS资本市场客户指南中国顶级律师。

Tian Yuan   Partner   Authored the China   Chapter in "The International Comparative Legal Guides——Corporate Governance 2022"
Edited by Wachtell, Lipton, Rosen & Katz (“Wachtell”) and published by Global Legal Group ("GLG"), the 15th   edition of International Comparative Legal Guides—Corporate Governance 2022   (the "Guide") has been introduced by GLG in September 2022. The Guide is to provide an overview of the common issues in corporate governance area in multiple   jurisdictions. Since 2018, Tian Yuan partner Raymond Shi   has been   invited to author the China   Chapter for the fifth consecutive year.
Wachtell is one of the most prestigious law firm in the world. GLG is a world-leading media company based in London, UK, specializing   in offering deep legal analysis and industry solutions to company executives, legal personnel, law firms and government institutions over the globe. Every year, GLG invites leading practitioners from different countries and jurisdictions to share their first-hand experiences and views on the status and trends of various practice areas in their respective jurisdictions.
The China Chapter   authored by Raymond provides a sharply concise analysis of the laws and regulations of corporate governance China. It is centered on the overview of the regulatory environment and development trend of corporate governance in China in the past year. In particular, it digs in the recent proposed revision of China’s basic law for business (the Company Law)    and the nascent development of ESG (environmental, social and corporate governance) in China. This chapter can serve as a practical guide for corporate counsel and international practitioners to understand the regulatory framework of corporate governance in China.
Tian Yuans Corporate and Capital Market team is among the top-tier legal service teams in terms of service history, credentials and practicing areas in China. Over the years, Tian Yuan has been consistently recognized by various reputable international legal directories and legal media as leader in the field of Capital Market, M&A, PE/VC investment and other corporate matters. Raymond is an up-and-coming legal practitioner in the field of corporate, capital market, PE/VC investments and M&A. Since his debut more than a decade   ago, he has established sound professional reputation and has won considerable recognition in the market of PRC legal services. He was awarded the "30 under 30" legal professional elite by ranking agency LEGALBAND in 2016, recommend as a leading individual in capital market by Legal 500 in 2018, and awarded the Top 10 Lawyer for New Economies by LEGALBAND in 2018.   Furthermore, he was honored as the Top 10 Lawyer for Fintech by LEGALBAND in 2019 and has been recognized by LEGALBAND as the “Up-and-coming Lawyer” on capital market in 2020 and 2021, consecutively. In 2022, Raymond was included in the as “Top Lawyers in Capital Market” by Dawkins.
to read the full text of China Chapter   of The International Comparative Legal Guides -    Corporate Governance 2022:
