







天元合伙人受邀执笔The Legal 500《国际比较法律指南—项目融资2023》中国篇
由国际权威法律评级机构《法律500强》(The Legal 500)主编的《国际比较法律指南-项目融资2023》(The International Comparative Legal Guides – Project Finance 2023,以下简称“项目融资指南”)第一版于2023年1月首次上线。天元跨境项目投融资专业团队应邀作为独家作者执笔了其中的中国篇。
The Legal 500是一家总部设在英国伦敦的全球领先法律媒体,面向全球数百万公司高管、法务人员、律所和政府机构提供深度法律分析和行业解决方案。项目融资指南目前涵盖了十余个司法管辖区在项目开发与投融资领域相关法律法规中出现的共性问题,包括整体营商环境、外商投资产业政策和外汇监管等法律法规、以及担保法等与投融资密切相关的民商法律制度。项目融资指南邀请了各个法域在项目开发与投融资领域领先的律师分享了他们对其各自所属法域的上述事项现状和发展的观点。
天元跨境项目投融资专业团队自十余年以前“走出去”和“引进来”年代即代表境内外多家从事基础设施、能源和矿产等项目的开发建设、以及大宗商品贸易等行业的头部企业完成了数单具有划时代意义的重大交易,之后进入“一带一路”时代也一直保持本领域业务优势,同时结合在银行与金融领域的专业积累,伴随多家战略客户更迭至“投融建营一体化”的领先模式,在项目投资、融资、工程建设和运营等各个环节的细分法律服务无短板的基础上,具备提供一站式法律服务的能力。天元跨境项目投融资业务连年获得了诸如《法制日报》、LEGALBAND、asialaw Profiles、China Business Law Journal、IFLR 1000等法律专业媒体的高度评价;合伙人宋爽律师蝉联IFLR1000评选的2021年度至2023年度项目融资、银行与金融等多个领域的新星合伙人 、2021年度项目开发领域的新星合伙人,获评The Legal 500银行与金融以及项目与能源等两个领域的推荐律师,入围Woman in Business Law Awards APAC 2022年度项目融资年度律师、荣获金融领域新星合伙人,主办的中国电建加纳路桥项目荣获包括金线“一带一路”法律贡献奖在内的多个年度交易奖。
Tian Yuan Partner Invited to Draft The Legal 500 - The International Comparative Legal Guides - Project Finance 2023, China Chapter
The opening edition of The International Comparative Legal Guides – Project Finance 2023 (the “Project Finance Guide”) initiated by The Legal 500, an authoritative international legal rating organization, were published online in January 2023. The Cross-border Project Investment & Financing Team of Tian Yuan Law Firm were invited to draft the China Chapter as the exclusive author.
The Legal 500 is a leading global legal media headquartered in London, who provides in-depth legal analysis and industrial solutions to millions of enterprises’ management, in-house counsels, law firms and governmental agencies worldwide. The Project Finance Guides currently cover common issues arising from the laws and regulations of more than 10 jurisdictions in the areas of project development, investment and financing, including general business environment, foreign investment policies and foreign exchange regulation, as well as civil and commercial laws and regulations in respect of investment and financing. The Project Finance Guides are contributed by leading lawyers in the project development, investment and financing areas in their respective jurisdictions with their insights on the status quo and prospects of the aforesaid subjects.
Members of Tian Yuan Cross-border Project Investment & Financing Team participated in this mandate are Ms. SONG Shuang (Evelyn), Mr. TU Qian, Ms. WANG Junjun and Mr. LIU Weiqi. Based on their experience in providing legal services in cross-border project development and financing, they have identified the rules mostly concerned by the prospective foreign investors and financiers from the complicated laws and regulations in China governing foreign investment in and financing for infrastructure, energy and mining projects. In particular, the team highlighted the applicable new rules after the enactment of the Civil Code of the People's Republic of China and its judicial interpretations as well as the new policies recently implemented in the energy sector in China after the official promulgation of the “Carbon Peak” & “Carbon Neutral” objectives. The Team has provided a concise and practical guidance for prospective foreign investors and financiers for realizing both their commercial pursuits and compliance requirements.
Since the very beginning of the “going global” and “bringing in” era over a decade ago, the Tian Yuan Cross-border Project Investment & Financing Team completed a number of remarkable transactions on behalf of many leading domestic and foreign enterprises engaged in the development and construction of infrastructure, energy and mineral resources projects as well as bulk commodity trades. Since then, the Team has maintained its professional strength in this field up to the “Belt & Road” initiative. With the bilateral experience in the banking and finance field the Team shows the competence in assisting many strategic clients with their switch to the cutting-edge model known as the “integration of investment, financing, construction and operation” on the top of its consummated expertise in each of the foregoing four stages. Tian Yuan continues as a highly recommended law firm by several transnational legal media such as Legal Daily, LEGALBAND, asialaw Profiles, China Business Law Journal and IFLR 1000 in the field of cross-border project investment & financing for years. Ms. SONG has been awarded by IFLR1000 as the Rising Star Partner in the areas of Project Finance and Banking & Finance for the successive years from 2021 to 2023 and in the area of Project Development for the year 2021; awarded by The Legal 500 as the Recommended Lawyer in the areas of Banking & Finance, Project Finance and Energy; shortlisted for Woman in Business Law Awards APAC 2022 as the Lawyer of the Year in Project Finance and awarded as Rising Star Partner in the area of Finance by Euromoney Investor Group. The POWERCHINA Ghana Road and Bridge Project for which a team led by Ms. SONG provided the whole-process legal services was awarded the Golden Line Legal Contribution Award for the Belt & Road Initiative apart from many other recognitions. 