








文|天元律师事务所律师    任    浩
在亚洲基础设施投资银行(“亚投行”)的工作紧锣密鼓步入正轨时,The Asia Pacific Project Preparation Facility(亚太PPP项目准备基金,以下简称“AP3F”)的启动并没有引起大家太多的关注。但不像其名称所示,AP3F只是一个准备基金,个人认为其意义十分重大。亚投行未来的工作及领域不可避免的会与亚行的业务发生竞争,且亚投行很少附加条件的信贷可能会损害亚行及其某些国家的利益。虽然AP3F早在2014年便有动议,作为亚行《PPP Operational Plan,2012-2020》[1]成果的一部分,但并没有启动,直到2016年2月1日随着亚投行的正式开业才开始启动。目前,日本并没有加入亚投行,其作为AP3F最大的捐资方[2],其与中国竞争的目的不言自明。
众所周知,项目前期的Feasible Study花费巨大,同时风险也十分大,通常由业主先做简单的Preliminary Feasible Study(其提供的信息十分有限),然后再进行招标,由各个投标人根据业主提供的Preliminary Feasible Study进行独立判断或者自行承担费用补充详细的Feasible Study,当然由于项目天然所具有的风险性,投标人通常会选择后者。对于投标人,显然风险与收益严重不匹配的,不仅大幅提高了中标价格,同时也影响了投标人的积极性,致使很多项目最后都流产,根本都走不到融资的地步。纵然亚投行双拳可以敌四手,奈何很多项目都走不到过招的地步,有钱没处投啊。所谓亚行的AP3F正是应运而生,在项目构想或可研阶段便介入,到项目最后Finance时,亚行就会有很大的先入优势。亚行此举的目标十分明确,抓住了关键,所以亚行欢迎是假,竞争才是真。
7.Five major problems    currently impede greater private infrastructure investment:
(i) Inadequate deal flow.
(ii) Weak enabling    environment.
(iii) Inappropriate    predetermined approach.
(iv) Poor quality advice.
(v) Complexity of regional    agenda.
12.The fund will provide financial    assistance to DMC[3]    governments and their public sectoragencies
The fund will provide financial    assistance to DMC governments and their public sector agencies to support the    financial, legal, and technical advisory services required to prepare and    structure transactions. The fund will also offer support for enabling reforms    and capacity building that can be linked to potential or current    transactions, including the following:
(i) upstream sector reform work linked to    potential projects that are being prepared or soon will be, including    advising client countries on enabling reforms (such as legislation and    regulation frameworks, and possible use of guarantees or incentive schemes), appropriate    PPP project selection criteria, staff training, and market and/or stakeholder    awareness;
(ii) due diligence covering technical,    financial, economic, social, legal, regulatory, safeguards, institutional,    governance, transaction structuring, and management matters;
(iii) preparation of information    memoranda and marketing to place each of the transactions with investors—the    latter includes (a) managing road shows; (c) creating and overseeing data    rooms and other channels for dissemination of project information for    investor due diligence; (d) preparing bid documents and draft contracts; (e)    managing the bidding process; and (f) assisting with evaluations, awards, and    negotiations; and
(iv) attracting high-quality sponsors    that rely on limited recourse debt markets by preparing strong project    documentation and robust financial models, and capitalizing on ADB’s strong    knowledge of infrastructure markets in Asia to inform potential investors and    their lenders of opportunities.
15. In keeping with the fund’s primary    objective of providing assistance to government entities in preparing    infrastructure projects that can attract private investment, ADB will not be    committed to financing the capital investment in projects prepared with    assistance from the fund. However, subject to separate credit appraisals and    management approvals, ADB may consider financing projects that have received    assistance from the fund for project preparation. Any conflict of interest    situations will be addressed through separate operational guidelines.
18. Assistance by the fund for project    preparation activities may be provided on a revolving basis with funds    recovered through reimbursement, subject to the applicable ADB policies and    procedures. Where reimbursement is required, the recipients of the relevant    grant funds (DMC governments or agency) will have ultimate responsibility for    reimbursing the grant amount upon specified events, which may include    successful placement of the PPP transaction. However, the funding for such    reimbursement may be secured through compensation from the successful private    bidder in various forms including a development fee. The final criteria for    the reimbursement approach, including the criteria for dispensing with    reimbursement, will be determined in consultation with fund contributors and    outlined in the fund’s implementation guidelines.
19. ADB’s OPPP will manage the fund in    consultation with the PPP community of practice. OPPP will be the focal point    for fund contributors. An interdepartmental steering committee, comprising operations    departments and chaired by the head of OPPP will……An OPPP designate will act    as the fund manager, overseeing the fund, supporting the steering committee    and working group, and reporting on the fund. The fund manager will    prioritize proposals to be submitted to the steering committee for selection.
Fund Operations
24. Activities to be supported by the    fund will be identified, designed, processed, approved, and implemented in    accordance with applicable ADB policies, procedures, and guidelines,    including those on procurement, social and environmental safeguards, financial    management, disbursement and reporting, governance, and anticorruption with    consideration of the funds’ specific eligibility of expenditures. In    accordance with ADB practices and guidelines, required arrangements for    accounting, auditing monitoring, and reporting will be in place for the    activities supported by the fund.
26. The fund will mainly support new    investments……The selection of proposals to be supported by the fund will    prioritize projects in sectors identified by DMCs that contribute to climate    resilience and sustainable development and regional economic integration.
27. The fund will also provide assistance    for proposals that enhance enabling reforms s, as well as government capacity    development……
[1]ADB.2012.Public-Private Partnership Operational Plan, 2012-2020.Manila. 文件中提到,亚行主要从四个方面推动PPP项目的发展,分别是倡导、有利投资环境、项目发展和项目融资。
[3]   指Developing member country。
[4]一般进行项目投资融资、并购时,业主都会建立一个Data Room,相关各方只负责审查Data Room中的文件。
[5] 32. Contributions to the fund will be made in the form of cash in afreely convertible currency. Contributions will be deposited into a UnitedStates (US) dollar, interest-bearing account (the fund account) to be specifiedby ADB under the fund. For contributions received in currencies other than USdollars, ADB will, upon receipt of the funds, convert them into US dollars andtransfer them to the account. ADB estimates that funding of about $150 millionwill be required to establish and sustain the fund, and support the preparationof a target of at least 10 major infrastructure projects in Asia and thePacific.
[6]OPPP: Office of Public-Private Partnership
