
Tian Yuan has gathered elite lawyers in various fields, has more than 200 partners, more than 800 professionals, and provides customers with all-round, cross-regional, comprehensive and one-stop legal services with profound practice experience and project experience. and best business solutions.


With 30 years of experience in legal practice and continuous innovation in practice, Tian Yuan's business covers the main practice fields and emerging fields of Chinese lawyers, and maintains the level of China's top lawyers and cross-team comprehensive service capabilities in many fields. Transactions and projects and cases with great industry influence.

Insights & News

Tian Yuan lawyers keep up with the trend of the industry, focus on legal hot topics, and rely on unique perspectives and market insights to help clients understand the latest changes in the law, and use professional observation, analysis and insights to help clients make more informed business choices and decisions.

About Us

As a leading law firm with a long history and profound culture in China, Tian Yuan has always been based on legal services, constantly exploring and innovating, and has moved forward with the Chinese economy for 30 years. We have offices in 15 economically active cities in China and enjoys a high reputation in the industry.

Compliance & Regulatory

Boasting a leading team specializing in all-around compliance services in China, we are powerful in providing clients from different industries with one-stop compliance & regulatory services in various fields, including development of compliance system, anti-corruption, anti-commercial bribery, antitrust, data network security, personal information protection, intellectual property and tax.


By looking into the business of our clients, and fully considering their current business situation, business practices and operational challenges, combined with China's law enforcement and judicial practices, we aim to provide special compliance risk assessment and rectification services for our clients, create tailor-made compliance solutions, establish supporting compliance systems, and carry out special or annual compliance audit and compliance due diligence. In addition, we can provide comprehensive, professional legal services in terms of compliance-related administrative investigations, hearings, reviews and litigation.


Development of compliance system: The national strategy of "Rule of Law" governs and guides the policy of "Rule-based Governance of Enterprises". Establishment of enterprise compliance management system, as well as further enhancement of staff compliance awareness and perfection of compliance management means, is the inevitable result of market-oriented legal development, the rigid demand of enterprises' self-discipline and proactive upgrading, and a necessity for Chinese enterprises to "go global", adapt to the changes of domestic and foreign regulatory environment and maintain sustainable growth in the competitive market. We strive to offer a complete solution for our clients' development of enterprise compliance management system; provide comprehensive and complex consulting services integrating "strategy, management, and legal technology", in such respects as the enterprise's organizational structure, management system, key areas of compliance, compliance operation mechanism, security system and compliance culture building; and help clients to develop a compliance management system that can meet actual operation and management needs, prevent and control critical compliance risks, and achieve effective operation, subject to domestic laws and regulations, as well as the legal environment and regulatory policies of the country/region where the enterprise operates overseas.


Anti-bribery and anti-corruption compliance: We offer a full range of anti-bribery and anti-corruption services for multinational corporations and local Chinese enterprises, including developing compliance policies, advising on the development and implementation of compliance systems, conducting internal investigations, assessing business model compliance risks and providing solutions. In addition, we are committed to promoting international cooperation and legal development of anti-corruption compliance, so as to provide more innovative and prospective services to clients.


Antitrust compliance: We are well versed in antitrust law and practice, and good at following the trends in competition law regulation at home and abroad, making us capable of providing our clients with portfolios of antitrust compliance services, including antitrust compliance risk assessment, compliance proposals, compliance training and testing, compliance audit, internal control system and process design, internal and external investigation. In particular, we boast a broad vision and extensive experience in compliance, when dealing with issues such as price, sole license, exclusive restriction and information exchange during distribution channel management, supply chain cooperation, intellectual property licensing, and competitor interaction, which make it possible for us to find compliance solutions that are more in line with the regulatory environment and easy to follow, while helping clients to achieve their business interests.


Data and network security compliance: With the development of digital economy, enterprise digital transformation starts to gather pace, and innovative businesses and products represented digitally through data, computer technology, and the Internet continue to emerge, update, and iterate. We have been highlighting network security as well as data protection practices and supervision in the era of digital economy, and we boast in-depth theoretical research and rich practical experience in frontiers of a series of digital complexes, such as big data, artificial intelligence (AI), mobile Internet, cloud computing, blockchain and Internet platform. From digital industrialization to industry digitization, whether it is "emergency" compliance governance to support listing, investment, financing, mergers and acquisitions (M&A) and other activities, or the enterprise digital transformation, and debut of innovative products and businesses, we have been offering industry-leading enterprises such services as the building and operation of Internet platforms, compliance demonstration of business models and products, legal feasibility analysis of business plans and business processes and rules, development of network transaction documents, protection of users' personal information, legal review of network and data security, legal evaluation of cross-border data flow, cyber security incident complaints and case handling, corporate data governance and compliance management, etc. We also provide special network security data compliance services for the investment, M&A, and domestic and foreign listing of many large central state-owned enterprises, Internet enterprises and technology enterprises.


Intellectual property compliance: Our insight into and expertise in the value of intellectual property brings strategic business solutions for industry giants and growth companies, valuable legal advice for complex intellectual property transactions, and comprehensive and one-stop intellectual property services and compliance services in terms of intellectual property dispute resolution to our clients.


Tax compliance: China further deepens the reform in tax collection and administration, and the new system of law enforcement, services, and supervision takes shape. Tax security is fundamental for enterprises, and tax burden optimization and tax risk prevention are of vital importance. Our tax team is backed by both tax and legal background, empowering us to provide professional and pragmatic tax solutions to enterprises in terms of tax compliance consulting, tax planning, tax consultancy, tax dispute resolution and international taxation, to duly prevent and control risks while optimizing business interests for our clients.


Economic crime and criminal compliance: We provide criminal compliance services for numerous state-owned, multinational, listed and Fortune Global 500 enterprises, including anti-corruption, anti-fraud, anti-money laundering, anti-dereliction of duty, prevention of senior executives' criminal liability, criminal crisis management, and development of the criminal risk management system, and we are particularly good at offering integrated legal services for enterprises, entrepreneurs and high net worth individuals in the prevention of criminal risks, criminal internal investigation, whistle-blowing and charges, criminal crisis management and criminal-civil overlapping dispute resolution.


Cross-border compliance: As China's enterprises continue to accelerate their international expansion, foreign investment and M&A, international project contracting, and foreign trade see substantial growth; enterprises have to face increasingly prominent legal risks in their international business; and the external policy and legal environment of enterprises' international operation get more challenging. The prevention and control of overseas legal risks has become the top priority for the international operation of Chinese enterprises. As the first Chinese law firm to provide legal services for Chinese enterprises to "go global" in their international operations, we boast a cross-border compliance team, which has maintained close relations with top law firms in the U.S., Europe and other countries and regions, making it possible for us to provide one-stop legal services to clients in terms of corporate governance structures and compliance. We provide legal services covering all aspects of cross-border compliance, including export controls, unilateral sanctions and related regulations in the U.S. and the West, as well as trade compliance legal consulting; network security and cross-border data compliance; compliance legal consulting on antitrust and anti-unfair competition in the EU and other countries, and organization and coordination of foreign lawyers for Chinese enterprises to respond to antitrust reporting and administrative investigations and act in antitrust litigation; legal consulting and reporting on foreign investment access, national security review and foreign subsidy review in overseas investment; legal consulting on compliance in the fields of environmental, social and governance (ESG), employment and work safety; and guidance on cross-border anti-corruption and anti-commercial bribery, and administrative investigations.


Securities compliance: With the upgrading of regulation by the new securities law in the era of the full-blown registration system, we, depending on our rich experience in legal services in capital markets and for listed companies, boast best practices in compliance operation and risk management related to securities market, such as prevention of illegal shareholding reduction, illegal short-swing trading, and insider trading.


ESG compliance: We provide a full range of legal services for all types of enterprises in terms of ESG compliance, covering environmental protection, green finance, safety and health, anti-bribery and anti-corruption, transparency and disclosure, ESG due diligence, development of ESG compliance system, ESG investment and financing, information disclosure of listed companies, corporate governance optimization, supply chain management, response to ESG litigation and accountability, risk management and resolution of various disputes.













Work Highlights
  • As an expert from the General Administration of Sport of China Lottery Management Center, conducted an expert review of the physical store video surveillance system project for physical sports lottery stores. The project involves issues related to personal information protection, data security, network security, etc. Expert verification is required specifically for data security matters before the project can be approved.
  • Provided legal services for the construction and compliance operation of an internet-based guarantee platform for a state-owned enterprise: The project involves the establishment of a self-operated platform and the integration of third-party platforms, electronic signature and contract systems, and deals with various data, including personal information and other types of financial data. Additionally, the project requires a high level of network security protection.
  • Provided services for construction of the electronic signature service platform of a state-owned enterprise in the real estate industry, including the compliance verification of the legal effectiveness of electronic contracts and electronic signatures. The project involved electronic signature and electronic contract systems, as well as the review, compliance assessment, and adjustment recommendations of business processes.
  • Provided investigation data to overseas securities regulatory authorities and conducting compliance reviews under the Chinese law for a domestic company listed in the United States: Cross-border data transfer is an essential aspect of data security. According to The Securities Law of the People's Republic of China: The securities regulatory authority of the State Council may establish supervision and administration cooperative mechanisms with the securities regulatory authorities of other countries or regions with a view to implementing cross-border supervision and administration; No entity or individual shall provide documents or materials related to securities business activities to other countries or regions without authorization. Chinese companies listed overseas are required to undergo compliance reviews when providing data in response to investigation and evidence collection activities by overseas securities regulatory authorities.
  • Provided compliance-specific services to the second batch of pilot enterprises for the compliance system construction of the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of the People's Government of Beijing Municipality. The services included: assessing the current status of compliance management in the enterprises, generating the Compliance Status Assessment Report and Compliance Risk Database, assisting the enterprises in establishing the compliance system from scratch, and formulating the "Overall Planning for Compliance Management System Construction," "Compliance Pilot Work Plan," "Action Plan," "Integrity and Compliance Manual," "Compliance Management Measures," and other documents, including compliance management manuals for key areas.
  • Provided consulting services for the integration of "Law-Risk-Compliance" for China's largest construction contractor.
  • Provided comprehensive FCPA compliance services to multiple leading Chinese education companies listed in the United States, including assisting them in establishing comprehensive FCPA compliance systems and the implementation of these systems, conducting specific reviews, assessments, and improvements related to FCPA risks, and conducting FCPA training.
  • Provided anti-corruption / anti-commercial bribery / FCPA reviews and compliance advice for multiple pharmaceutical and medical equipment manufacturers in areas such as product sales channel support, marketing, and conference sponsorship, and conducted FCPA training.
  • Provided FCPA-related services to multiple companies listed in the United States during their acquisitions, including assisting with pre-acquisition FCPA due diligence, and post-acquisition FCPA compliance integration and training for the acquired targets.
  • Assisted an internationally renowned nutritional supplements company in responding to anti-commercial bribery investigations by law enforcement agencies in Fujian Province and other regions.
  • Provided comprehensive anti-corruption / anti-commercial bribery / FCPA compliance services for a well-known international liquor brand, including conducting a thorough anti-corruption risk assessment and ensuring compliance in various aspects, such as different distribution channels, promotional expenses, distributor management, service fees, and other types of support payments for over ten of their subsidiary brands.
  • Provided comprehensive anti-corruption compliance services for a well-known international fast-moving consumer goods brand, including comprehensive anti-corruption risk assessments and compliance system improvements for various promotional expenses, third-party management, internal audits, and other aspects of several of its subsidiary brands.
  • Provided anti-corruption / anti-business bribery / FCPA examination and compliance advice for a renowned international medical brand's ophthalmology business units in areas of hospitality gifting, marketing, and conference sponsorship.
  • Conducted systematic investigations and provided solutions and compliance guidelines for anti-corruption / FCPA issues in several leading mobile terminal manufacturing companies.
  • Provided anti-corruption / anti-commercial bribery compliance services for a well-known candy brand, including comprehensive risk assessment and compliance enhancement for expense management policies in distribution channels, promotion policies, various types of promotional expense payments, as well as internal corruption investigation services.
  • Provided anti-corruption / anti-commercial bribery / FCPA compliance services for a leading software company, including assisting the company in enhancing its anti-corruption / anti-commercial bribery / FCPA compliance system, conducting comprehensive investigations and analysis of anti-corruption / anti-commercial bribery / FCPA risks, and offering solutions and operational guidance.
  • Provided solutions and compliance guidelines for anti-corruption / anti-commercial bribery / FCPA compliance issues across all business lines of a leading Japanese electronics manufacturer.
  • Provided anti-corruption / anti-commercial bribery / FCPA reviews and compliance advice to a leading global water purification equipment supplier.
  • Advised a prominent Japanese bearing manufacturer on combating unfair competition risks in their daily business operations.
  • Provided legal advisory services on internal corruption and whistleblower response to a renowned Japanese electronic manufacturing company.
  • Provided anti-corruption / anti-commercial bribery / FCPA legal consulting services to an international automotive dealership group.
  • Provided anti-corruption / anti-commercial bribery legal consulting services to a data storage company listed on the Growth Enterprise Market.
  • Provided anti-corruption / anti-commercial bribery / FCPA legal consulting services to a well-known medical and health care foreign trade enterprise.


  • NFR digital collectibles trading platform compliance service: This project has created a new circulation space for art collections, digital collectibles, and creative works in the cultural and artistic fields, resolving the compliance issues of NFT in China. It has pioneered a new mode of homogeneous rights transactions and earned recognition from the Institute of International Technology and Economy, Development Research Center of the State Council.
  • Provided compliance consulting for Beijing Digital Intellectual Property Technology Co., Ltd.'s NFR digital collectibles trading platform.
  • Provided compliance consulting services for Tiandexin Chain's blockchain application scenarios.
  • Provided intellectual property compliance services for clients from the fields of biopharmaceuticals, medical devices, AI, etc., during their listing, investment and financing processes.


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  • The Legal 500 China
  • DAWKINS Top Ranked Law Firms
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