
Tian Yuan has gathered elite lawyers in various fields, has more than 200 partners, more than 800 professionals, and provides customers with all-round, cross-regional, comprehensive and one-stop legal services with profound practice experience and project experience. and best business solutions.


With 30 years of experience in legal practice and continuous innovation in practice, Tian Yuan's business covers the main practice fields and emerging fields of Chinese lawyers, and maintains the level of China's top lawyers and cross-team comprehensive service capabilities in many fields. Transactions and projects and cases with great industry influence.

Insights & News

Tian Yuan lawyers keep up with the trend of the industry, focus on legal hot topics, and rely on unique perspectives and market insights to help clients understand the latest changes in the law, and use professional observation, analysis and insights to help clients make more informed business choices and decisions.

About Us

As a leading law firm with a long history and profound culture in China, Tian Yuan has always been based on legal services, constantly exploring and innovating, and has moved forward with the Chinese economy for 30 years. We have offices in 15 economically active cities in China and enjoys a high reputation in the industry.

Discipline Sets Me Free: Tian Yuan Advises on Keep's HK Listing


Tian Yuan assisted Keep Inc. ("Keep", Stock Code: 3650.HK), the first sports tech company to be listed in Hong Kong and a leading enterprise in sports and fitness technology in China, completed its IPO and listing on the Main Board of the Hong Kong Stock Exchange (HKEX) on July 12, 2023. It was trading at HK$29.4 per share at 9:50 a.m., with a market capitalization of approximately HK$15.5 billion.

Founded in 2014, Keep launched the Keep mobile app (online fitness platform) with proprietary structured fitness courses in 2015. Keep is China's largest fitness platform in terms of MAUs and the number of workout sessions completed by users in 2022. Based on its online fitness content and membership subscription program in the app, Keep has developed a huge fitness user base (3.621 million subscribing members per month in 2022), and launched smart fitness devices and complementary fitness products, including smart bikes, wristbands, yoga mats, dumbbells, meal replacements and fitness snacks.

As an influential brand and ever-growing platform committed to providing users with comprehensive fitness solutions, Keep has become synonymous with passion for fitness, and its brand spirit of "Freedom as Autonomy" has made its way into the hearts of numberless Keep users.



As the Chinese legal advisor to the exclusive sponsor CICC, Tian Yuan provided professional and efficient legal services throughout the Hong Kong listing of Keep, and assisted the company to successfully complete the listing amid the release of the new regulations on overseas listing, thus being highly recognized by all the parties involved for its solid preparation, efficient execution and effective communication and collaboration.



Capital Markets & Securities